# Intro to Animation --- # Opener Write two functions: * `rotator: image -> image` that turns the image 10 degrees. * `middle-placer: image -> image` that places the given image in the center of a yellow circle of radius 200. --- # Animation Code ```racket (define starter (rectangle 50 200 "solid" "purple")) (define delay-time 3) (big-bang starter (on-tick rotator delay-time) (on-draw middle-placer)) ``` --- # Animation Vocabulary * model: the part that changes * on-tick: model -> model Moves to next time. * on-draw: model -> image Shows the result. Draw things that do not move here. --- # Paper Exercise I * A shape is shown on a yellow circle of radius 200. * The shape grows 25% larger every tick, but the circle does not. 1. Write a tick handler. 2. Write the big-bang. --- # Paper Exercise II * A shape starts in the center of a circle. * The shape moves to the right 10 pixels every tick. ## Write the tick handler --- # Class work Exercises 6.4.2 and 6.4.3 (pdf page 106) Bonus: 6.4.4 # Homework Read Section 6.3 (beginner mistakes) --- # Animation more vocab * on-key: model key -> model * on-mouse: model number(x) number(y) event -> model --- You found [the code!](animation-day1.rkt)